Chassis Name of Students: Moundekar Saurabh Vijay, Gowda Suraj Ramu, Deshmukh Gaurav Kisan, Gunjal Pratik Yashvant |
Wiring System Of Vehicle Name of Students: Agarwal Chanchal Mahavir, Sorate Shalmali Sanjay, Lamkhade Divya Genbhau |
Synchromesh Gear Box Name of Students: Ranpise Hrishikesh Deepak, Katkar Gopal Vaman, Nalawade Shreejeet Shivaji |
Recirculating Ball Steering Mechanism Name of Students: Shelot Varun Sunil, Maske Manav Rajkumar, Bhosale Abhishek Madhukar, Gadhire Pratik Bibhishan |
Automobile Body Type Name of Students: Kolge Prathamesh D, Thigale Satyam T, Shaha Sohel S, Wadia Aniket S. |
Epicyclical gear box Name of Students: Gosavi Omkar Vinayak, Biradar Rohan Anant, Hulavale Shubham Sambhaji, Pillai Vinayak Gyane |
Internal Expanding Drum Brake Name of Students: Chitnis Rutwik Chandrakant, Kulkarni Atharva Bhalchandra, Mohite Hrishikesh Ravindra, Bijitkar Mithil Rajan |
Clutches Name of Students: Jagtap Rukhmil Ravindra, Phakatkar Rushikesh Narendra, Sonawane Ganesh Goroba, Janrao Pranav Rahul |
Leaf Spring Name of Students: Patil Mayur Nitin, Sake Gaurav Ratan, Naringe Shreyash Pannalal, Kokare Hritik Dattatray |
Overdrive Name of Students: Patil Shambhuraj Hanmant, Ganguly Shomit Somnath Chavan Tushar Laxman, Todkari Vishal Shankar |
Aerodynamic Shape Of Car Body Name of Students: Pawale Omkar Suresh, Waghere Pratik Ramesh, Deshpande Rahul, Vyayahare Sourabh |
Rack & Pinion Steering Mechanism Name of Students: Jadhav Tushar Bharat, Kolhe Sanchit Shivaji, Shinde Ruturaj Shahaji, Patil Giriraj Ravikiran |
Differential Name of Students: More Abhishek Dattatray, Sapkal Chinmay Dattatray, Chavan Akash, Gujar Satish |
Constant Mesh Gear Box Name of Students: Sonvane Pramod Mahadeo, Wani Sanket Anil, Pandit Sushant Mahadev, Mahajan Manoj Pandit |
Types Of Rear Axle Name of Students: Hankare Ankit Suryakant, Haral Vinayak Manik, Patil Siddarth Sanjay, Shingare Ajinkya Peter |
Working Model of Mini Vacuum cleaner Name of Students: Kolage Prathamesh D, Shah Sohel S, Thigale Satyam T, Wadia Aniket S. |
Working Model Of ROTARY OPTICAL ENCODER Name of Students: Sonvane Pramod Mahadeo, Wani Sanket Anil, Pandit Sushant Mahadev, Mahajan Manoj Pandit |
TURBINE FLOW METER Name of Students: Yadav Tarun Anupsingh, Surwase Abhiraj Sunil, Jagtap Rushikesh Chandrakant |
Working Model Of Rope Break Dynamometer Maske Manav Rajkumar, Bhosale Abhishek Madhukar, Shelot Varun Sunil, Gadhire Pratik Bibhishan |
Model :-Measurement of pressure by LVDT Name of Students: Deshpande Rahul Satish, Vyavahare Saurabh Bharat, Pawale Omkar Suresh, Waghere Pratik Ramesh |
Working Model Of Linear Potentiometer Name of Students: Patil Shambhuraj Hanmant, Chavan Tushar Laxman, Ganguly Shomit Somnath, Todkari Vishal Shankar |
Prototype Sight Glass liquid level indicator Name of Students: Sake Gaurav Ratan, Naringe Shreyash Pannalal, Kokare Hritik Dattatray, Patil Mayur Nitin |
Thermocouple vacuum gauge Name of Students: Moundekar Saurabh Vijay, Gowda Suraj Ramu, Deshmukh Gaurav Kisan, Gunjal Pratik Yashvant |
Model of Capacitive transducer Name of Students: Jagtap Rukhmil Ravindra, Phakatkar Rushikesh Narendra, Sonawane Ganesh Goroba, Janrao Pranav Rahul |
Model of Interstitial solid solution Name of Students: Ghanwat Prathamesh Shankar, Gaikwad Rahul Ramesh, Gade Akshay Dattatray, Fernandes Derwin Caretan |
Model of Body centered cubic Name of Students: Kale Shubham Jayant, Patwa Anand Bharatkumar, Shinde Santosh Mahesh, Waghela Yash Dineshbhai |
Model of Simple Unit cell Name of Students: Deshpande Nachiket Narayan, Kulkarni Chaitanya Ajaykumar, Bhujbal Atharv Ramesh, Bansode Swapnil Deepak |
Model of Face centered cubic Name of Students: Atole Saurabh Atmaram, Bhangale Vishal Arun, Chaus Sohel Saeed, Chavan Swanand Anil |
Model of Hexagonal closed packed Name of Students: Chaudhari Chaitanya Sanjay, Kamthe Chetan Hiraman, Danke Rohan Deepak, Gore Sumit Pandurang |
Model of Lattice Name of Students: Bangar Swapnil Deepak, Bhaiyye Dhiraj Vasant, Borse Hrushikesh Vinod, Bute Tejas Damaji |
Model of Compacting process Name of Students: Chavan Kunal Sanjaym, Dhande Mayur Narendra, Gaikwad Saurabh Anand, Punjabi Harshit Vinod |
Model of Compacting process to manufacture bearing Name of Students: Gawade Amol Ningasha, Gawade Akshay Ningasha, Choure Omkar Nitin, Chatur Sangram Laxman |
Model of Substitutional solid solution Name of Students: Hadapad Ganesh Shrishail, Rajput Vedant Indrasingh, Turukmare Prashant Maruti, Chavan Pramodkumar Agatrao |
Model of Ball mill crusher Name of Students: Dhende Suraj Shantaram, Aute Saurabh Rameshwar, Awate Ganesh Anil, Bansode Rohan Balu |
Model of Ball mill crusher Name of Students: Jachak Vinay Shrikrishna, Jadhav Aditya Sayaji, Jagtap Lokesh Pradeep, Khollam Jai Pradip |
Model of Body centered cubic Name of Students: Kumbhar Abhishek Ankush, Karveer Sidheshwar Rajendra, Joshi Vyankatesh Prabhudas, Patil Jeevan Sharad |
Model of Simple Unit cell Name of Students: Pachare Vilas Laxman, Narale Nitin Prakash, Landge Kunal Balasaheb, Kumbhar Akshay Baban |
Model of Face centered cubic Name of Students: Phuge Tejas Surdas, Patil Purvesh Sunil, Patil Abhishek Shridhar, Pande Aazad Vijay |
Model of Hexagonal closed packed Name of Students: Sayyed Tahlil Ahmed Tanveer, Raut Roshan Ramesh, Patil Pranav Hambirrao, Chobe Prajwal Vinod |
Model of Lattice Name of Students: Shaikh Sohail Salim, Shaikh Moin Rafik, Shinde Pranav Dinesh, Sul Prasad Dattatray |
Model of Compacting process Name of Students: Suradkar Pranita Manik, Misar Pooja Sandesh, Talekar Tejas Anil, Tambe Shubham Kaluram |
Model of Compacting process to manufacture bearing Name of Students: Pillai Gayathri Shivaprakash, Yadav Harshavardhan Sunil, Patil Vishal Sunil, Uttekar Chirag Rajendra |
Model of Substitutional solid solution Name of Students: Patil Kamlesh Shashikant, Telgu Sonu Narayan, Rajput Shubhamshingh Babusing, Zende Yash Sunil |
Model of Ball mill crusher Name of Students: Sayyad Omar Saradarali, Shaikh Mohsin Salim |
MODEL OF SPIRIT LEVEL Name of Students: Deshpande Rahul Satish, Vyavahare Saurabh Bharat, Pawale Omkar Suresh, Waghere Pratik Ramesh |
SIGMA COMPARATOR Name of Students: Chitnis Rutwik Chandrakant, Kulkarni Atharva Bhalchandra, Mohite Hrishikesh Ravindra, Bijitkar Mithil Rajan |
PNEUMATIC COMPARATOR Name of Students: Hankare Ankit Suryakant, Haral Vinayak Manik, Patil Siddarth Sanjay |
MODEL OF SINE BAR Name of Students: Patil Shambhuraj Hanmant, Ganguly Shomit Somnath, Chavan Tushar Laxman, Todkari Vishal Shankar |
MODEL OF RING GAUGES Name of Students: Patil Mayur Nitin, Sake Gaurav Ratan, Naringe Shreyash Pannalal, MODEL OF RING GAUGES, Kokare Hritik Dattatray |
MODEL OF ASDJAUSTABLE SNAP GAUGE Name of Students: Ranpise Hrishikesh Deepak, Katkar Gopal Vaman, Nalawade Shreejeet Shivaji |
MODEL OF VERNIER CALLIPER Name of Students: Snvane Pramod Mahadeo, Wani Sanket Anil, Pandit Sushant Mahadev, Mahajan Manoj Pandit |
Working Model of Air Compressor Name of Students: Patil Suraj Namdev, Bansod Gaurav, Jamdade Viraj Ajitkumar, Bankar Shubham Vijay |
Model of lubrication system Name of Students: Gosavi Omkar Vinayak, Biradar Rohan Anant, Hulavale Shubham Sambhaji, Pillai Vinayak Gyane |
Working Model of Turboprop Engine Name of Students: Jagtap Rukhmil Ravindra, Phakatkar Rushikesh Narendra, Sonawane Ganesh Goroba, Janrao Pranav Rahul |
WORKING MODEL OF LUBRICATION SYSTEM Name of Students: Chitnis Rutwik Chandrakant, Kulkarni Atharva Bhalchandra Mohite Hrishikesh Ravindra, Bijitkar Mithil Rajan |
Model of Carburetor Name of Students:Patil Shambhuraj Hanmant, Ganguly Shomit Somnath, Chavan Tushar Laxman, Todkari Vishal Shankar |
Model of Ram jet Engine Name of Students: More Abhishek Dattatray, Sapkal Chinmay Dattatray, Chavan Akash Rajesh, Gujar Satish Sunil |
Model of Type of MPFI System Name of Students: Ranpise Hrishikesh Deepak, Katkar Gopal Vaman, Nalawade Shreejeet Shivaji |
Model of Open cycle gas turbine with intercooling Name of Students:Agarwal Chanchal Mahavir, Sorate Shalmali Sanjay, Lamkhade Divya Genbhau |
Model of Two stage air compressor Name of Students: Magadum Pradeep Raigonda, Mohite Prashant Balu, Chavan Nikhil Ramchandra, Jamdade Vishwnath Aadinath |
Model of water cooling system Name of Students: Deshpande Rahul Satish, Vyavahare Saurabh Bharat, Pawale Omkar Suresh, Waghere Pratik Ramesh |
Model of Scavenging system Name of Students: Asabe Shubham Ajit, Chavan Shekhar Yashwant, Deshpande Atharv Saurabh, Chavan Akash Sham |
Model of Closed cycle gas turbine Name of Students: Shelot Varun Sunil, Maske Manav Rajkumar, Bhosale Abhishek Madhukar, Gadhire Pratik Bibhishan |
Model of rope brake Dynamometer Name of Students: Patil Mayur Nitin, Sake Gaurav Ratan, Naringe Shreyash Pannalal, Kokare Hritik Dattatray |
Model of open cycle gas turbine Name of Students: Shinde Saurabh Rajendra, Kshirsagar Pranay Kakasaheb, Kathare Raviraj Dayanand, Mhaske Aniket Mahadev |
Model of two way catalytic converter Name of Students: Hankare Ankit Suryakant, Haral Vinayak Manik, Patil Siddarth Sanjay, Shingare Ajinkya Peter |
Model of Turbocharger system Name of Students: Kolge Prathamesh D, Thigale Satyam T, Shaha Sohel S, Wadia Aniket S. |
Model of reciprocating compressor using injection Name of Students: Sonvane Pramod Mahadeo, Wani Sanket Anil, Pandit Sushant Mahadev, Mahajan Manoj Pandit |
Model of window air-conditioner Name of Students: Yadav Tarun Anupsingh, Surwase Abhiraj Sunil, Jagtap Rushikesh Chandrakant, Khandare Sanjay Jagannath |
Micro Project by Students of TYME for industrial fluid power subject under guidance of Prof. P.M.Khirapate and Prof. Y.D.Kale. |
Micro Project by Students of TYME for industrial fluid power subject under guidance of Prof. P.M.Khirapate and Prof. Y.D.Kale. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Manufacturing Processes subject under guidance of Prof. N.H.Baragaje. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Manufacturing Processes subject under guidance of Prof. N.H.Baragaje |
Micro Project by Students of TYME for Refrigeration and air conditioning subject under guidance of Prof. S.S.Dhanure |
Micro Project by Students of TYME for Refrigeration and air conditioning subject under guidance of Prof. S.S.Dhanure |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Thermal Engineering subject under guidance of Prof. P.R.Ambekar |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Thermal Engineering subject under guidance of Prof. P.R.Ambekar. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Theory of machine subject under guidance of Prof. M.R.Zade. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Theory of machine subject under guidance of Prof. M.R.Zade. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Theory of machine subject under guidance of Prof. G.L.Chaudhari.. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Theory of machine subject under guidance of Prof. G.L.Chaudhari. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Manufacturing processes subject under guidance of Prof. A.M.Joshi. |
Micro Project by Students of SYME for Manufacturing processes subject under guidance of Prof. A.M.Joshi. |